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2004-10-06 - 10:21 a.m.

"Shame is the shadow of love." - PJ Harvey, "Shame"

Glad that someone understood the country music references in the last post. Keep an open mind and listen to all genres of music.

Sanguine is stylish. Sharpies and rubber bands, switchblades and razors for life. Chipped nail polish and blackened eyes, lined with spite today. Turn around like a damn Madcap song. Your heart, my soul, our loss. Not as cynical as the girl you used to know, yet still cold. Too many times you've played the fool, and Smokey Robinson gets it too. Red lips, black eyes, and a recipe for disaster.

Equal parts Edith Wharton and Gloria Gaynor running through myhead. It's disco with an elitist twist. The need for caffeine impedes the speed at which I read. Stupid rhymes. Repetition without reconciliation. Forget about the motivation; let's talk about the stimulation. "I need a reason, I need a sign" and I obviously need to stop singing Backstreet Boys songs.

The posters on the wall are appalling. If I should ever meet any of these rockers, I should like to tell them that they're disgusting and that I admire them for that.

"I'm a juvenile deliquent. I'm feeling sinister, and I've never felt better." - Eternal Youth, "Juvenile Delinquent"

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