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2004-11-11 - 8:01 a.m.

"Is everybody crazy or is it just me?" - ALL, "Crazy"

ISYS... comp lab. Snap snap snap. I forgot a rubber band, so I have to use a hair band. I'm fairly sure that the elastic will break, and then I'll be all upset about breaking another one. I'm destructive, but you should know that by now.

Yes, I probably will delete this entry.

I look like a true Bong Sister at this point. My eyes are awfully red and glazed over from lack of sleep. Give me novacaine?

From the back, it's perfect. From the front, it's painful. If this is what it's supposed to be like, I don't want it. I'm not some Real World cast member and I don't need this crap and confusion.

Inside looking out. Inside looking in. Waiting for a chime and a sign, and the spark that ignites it all.

Let's be goth: Yesterday was yet another day of hell.

Let's be emo: The pain that wrenches my heart induced me to bawl and leak precious tears onto my sweater.

"I want to see you bellydance." No, really, I do. Shake it like Shakira.

"Why do I daydream? Why do I get my hopes up at all? I've been living this Walter Mitty life for too long." - the (ALLmighty) Descendents, "Dreams"

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