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2005-02-05 - 10:58 p.m.

"We're taught to color in the lines, express our thoughts, but never question this, our decline..." - The Code, "Seal of Approval"

In a year or two, I'll look back and figure out what I was feeling, but for now, there's only confusion. He says my writing is often surreal, so I'll keep it sweet and straightforward for awhile.

I alternate between thinking that love isn't so bad, and thinking that it makes me want to hurl. Then again, quite a few things trigger that gag reflex. I am a cynic? Yes. And let me infuriate some more people. Girl songs suck. If you're ever in a band, don't write about how you're in love with a girl. Girls just aren't worth the time and effort. They'll change you and break you, and before you know, you'll be out the door and looking for someone new to destroy you. You told me that I restored your faith in girls, that through me, you realized that not all girls were diabolical bitches. I hope it's true. If I were a praying kind of girl, I'd pray that you wouldn't get hurt.

Yes, occasionally I direct some parts of these entries at certain people. For this one, I'm fairly certain that if You read this, You'll know it's about You.

Every time I hear that line that goes, "I want to put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger", I think how fun that would be. Then I come to my senses. Tight skirt? Flirt? Me? Oh, hell no. Born to be bad and wantin' to commit a crime? Not me. Not me. Not Mimi.

The one line I did want to try was, "Kiss me. It's beginning to snow." It sounds so pretty when you sing it. That'll never work.

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