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2006-04-09 - 10:13 a.m.

"Stop and listen to the sound of isolation. Take the next train that comes along." - Let Go, "120 B.P.M."

The best times are brought on by infectious music and soft, knowing smiles.

You've never been an intellectual. No need to be. The truth is, you'd never fit the mold. Better off alone. Grudgingly going through life, tires squealing from every curve you're thrown. Slashing tires, skid marks on your heart. He said to stay asleep in bed. He said to stay 18 forever, so we could stay this way forever. Golden years and brass knuckles. The years pass by so quickly.

Potty-mouthed princess gratin' on your nerves. You wanted a Jess, not a Jesse, and you forgot that "He treats you like crap" part. Cursed. Gloss over the important parts. Strive for mediocrity. It's normal, acceptable. This is where we shake hands and play off our frustrations.

"I watched as calmly as I could as my life seemed to fall apart. Then I sat and thanked myself for my own sick and damaged heart." - Screeching Weasel, "On My Own"

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