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2004-10-30 - 4:02 p.m.

Shiver and shake. I've eaten maybe two meals this week. It seems like there's no time anymore, and I'm really hungry yet disinterested. Oh, happy caffeine, you are my savior. Interestingly enough, aside from the shaking, I haven't gotten sick.

"Where's my Bonus Cup? Come on man, fill me up. I need some Krappers to wash it down. Bonus Bonus Bonus!!!" - Descendents, "Kids"

Note the date. Note the last onslaught of closely written entries. "Is K-Stina writing?" Oh, no, it's her menstrual cycle, coming back with avengeance.

Always scowling. Angry, angry, angry. Also, freezing. Stop the shivering. I'd blow you off to blow you up.

People in this town don't walk. We walked around to get coffee, and everyone drives. It's only a mile away, and you drive? Unhealthy, wealthy bastards who can afford to waste gas.

I don't wish to be Daniel Johns, so could you please stop this feeling of nausea? I can't keep doing this. It's so cold. It hurts so bad. The gnawing, the acid, the cramping and dying that never stops.

After every high, there's a low, and boy, is it low...

I thought I saw love in your eyes, but again, I misread the signs.

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