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2004-10-31 - 11:34 a.m.

"I swear that I'll grow up once these nightmares disappear. Centennials and keystones, frequent flyer miles from here." - Digger, "Stars Over Boulder"

Cor would have a fit if I said that the sole purpose of this entry is to sing the praises of guys with nipple rings. It's not too far off the mark, though. Go ahead and get those knee-jerk reactions out of the way.

It's pretty funny that most of you think nipple rings are disgusting. Remember the toga party pictures we finally saw after AP exams? "What's that shiny thing on his chest?" It was glorious, right there on his left nipple. You pronounced me "sick" when I stated that my crush on said guy had grown about tenfold.

I coerced L-Sa into watching part of a certain band's DVD (off their CD), and introduced it with, "Dude, you gotta see the bassist's nipple rings." Her response? "Ewwwww." Minutes later: "Oh shit, he looks kinda hot." Maybe it's b/c he's just hot in general. Ok, DVD extra on an acoustic album, and there are a few swimming pool scenes. The hot bassist of the super catchy, pop-punky band has nipple rings. Figure out the band and bassist, and you get a gazillion bonus points, or bonus cups - whichever you prefer. It's not very difficult, anyhow.

Dude, this entry has been fairly positive. That's not the purpose of a hateful notebook, though. Take a deep breath. Silently screaming. No, wait. I hear my mother screaming. I was joking about having to be angry, but now I really am. Never quiet. Always tumultuous. Always cautious. You never know when the screaming will begin again. Most of the time it's the most minute detail that will trigger the tirades.

Binge and purge. Splice and spill. I was having a good day until the phone rang.

"Regret returns. A wise teacher but I'll never learn. Laugh all you want but don't cry. We're too young to know we're old enough to die, and it's too bloody anyway." - American Steel, "It's Too Bloody Anyway"

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