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2004-11-04 - 9:20 p.m.

"Hey mr business man, what do you have to say? cause the world can't just keep looking away as you take what isn't yours and you sell what you don't own and you profit from the pain that others endure." - Intro5pect, "Public Interest"

For shame. I'm nineteen. You expect me to understand everything, but I feel so ignorant and innocent here. It's sickening. You have life experience and I have none. You say 21 is young. Most of the time I'm just a dumb kid, regardless of grades or brains or wit. Four years make all the difference. You wanted to go celebrate at the pub. "You're only 19?! How'd you get into this class?" Blind ambition. Goals that add up to nothing, that's how. I'm Dill in To Kill A Mockingbird. People make me sick. I still can't stomach it. Sit back and watch everyone talk about their jobs, their business ventures, their spouses. "You don't want me to evaluate anyone. I'm a dick" as you're reading "Entrepreneur" magazine. Yeah, that was obvious. It's depressing. Should have gone with the music major. Refuse everything, refute nothing. I don't want to be you. That's my bottom line. Take it in - take in the stilted, shooting the bull, arrogant tones. It's a facade.

Home sweet home of regret and haunting horror. Tried my best to fade away. Attention is suicidal desire. Ears bleeding, soul imploding, reaching new heights of desperation. Bloodshot eyes and sharpened knives. Echoes of insults filter through blasted music, damaging more than any speakers could. Sheathed in black and colored with shades of despair.

I say, "Crash!ng the Party by Ralph Nader should be required reading" and Cor shoots me down with, "Yeah, but nobody in this country reads."

Really, I'm ok. These things go off in my mind, but you'll see me smile. I'm happy to see you.

I hate Fox News.

"We determine what we think based on what we're shown. A lack of education leaves the world unknown, so all we have to go on is the world that we see - a world based on violence and a world based on greed." - Intro5pect, "Education"

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