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2005-02-10 - 12:21 a.m.

"We won't be part of your revolution. So listen up, we're telling you this is a business. We're not misinformed or misdirected. We'll make our own insurrection. So keep on publishing our wrongs." - The Juliana Theory, "To the Tune of 5,000 Screaming Children"

I hate this entry. It's crap. You'll see why.

Superimposed values on a superficial, impressionable society. Look around. So many alien sheep roaming these pastures of lies and rules and viral infections. It's in your mind and in my body. I'm not trying to champion anything. I still think I'm part of the herd. Maybe I can be a lapdog to one of the herders that tell us where to go and what to do with our pathetic lives. Strip us, shear off our sense of self, and kill us for the mutton. We're all trying to gain power so we can be something. We see. We think we can rebel. We're trapped because it's already been ingrained. I don't know if I'm different. I don't know where I stand. I may be a black sheep, but it's just a variation in color and nothing more. Don't presume you haven't heard this before.

There are all these people, and they're all different, but they're sitting and staring and thinking. At least, I hope they're thinking, and preferably not what I'm thinking. I lost my train of thought over a man wearing a cowboy hat. Hell yeah. Right on. Ride the bull and shoot it, too.

Depression when you think, so don't. Mute everything. Shut off the light. Close your blinds and take it in, but never give. Insanity. Will I lose my dignity of this someday? Let's hope so. Seek help. Buy in. Scream for that codeine. Don't think, don't breathe. Hold your breath and hope you'll make it to hell in one piece. They're ripping, gnashing thoughts, so choke and spit 'em up. Regurgitate.

Wouldn't you know it? I make myself dizzy, spinning in circles, and I talk 'em, too. Ooh, but for that circumlocution.

"Here's a thought, if you're willing to listen. I only tell the truth of the feelings I'm given. Can you hear me now? Listen. Whispers in the rain. Listen. Don't push love away, you know you do. It's all we have." - TJT, "Don't Push Love Away"

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